当地居民迫切要求人行道上的人行道,因为当地公路上的汽车行人冲突上升。 Residents urge for sidewalks as car-pedestrian conflicts rise on local roads.
在最近的一起事件中,当地道路缺乏人行道,导致司机和行人之间互动增加。 In a recent incident, a lack of sidewalks on local roads has led to increased interactions between drivers and pedestrians. 居民对安全表示关切,呼吁改善基础设施,将车辆与行尸分开。 Residents are raising concerns about safety, calling for better infrastructure to separate vehicles from walkers. 地方官员已承认这些问题,并正在讨论可能的解决办法,尽管尚未宣布确定计划。 Local officials have acknowledged the issues and are discussing potential solutions, though no definitive plans have been announced yet.