2022年 斯里兰卡总统选举中没有女性候选人。 2022 Sri Lankan presidential election features no female candidates.
斯里兰卡即将举行的总统选举没有女性候选人,尽管妇女占选民的一半以上。 Sri Lanka's upcoming presidential election features no female candidates, despite women comprising over half of the electorate. 据女权活动家Sepali Kottegoda说,这种缺失突显了国家政治根深蒂固的父权制性质。 This absence highlights the entrenched patriarchal nature of the country's politics, according to women's rights activist Sepali Kottegoda. 虽然斯里兰卡过去曾有过女性领导人,而且有一项法律规定地方理事会中女性代表比例为25%,但妇女参与国家政治的比例仍然极低,在议会中仅占5.3%。 Although Sri Lanka has had female leaders in the past and a law mandating 25% female representation in local councils, women's participation in national politics remains critically low, with only 5.3% in Parliament.