印度女性识字率的提高提高了选民的投票率;由于教育的改善,2024年新增了45万个女性选民。 Higher female literacy in India boosts voter turnout; 45 lakh new female voters in 2024 due to improved education.
印度国家银行的一份报告显示,印度女性识字率提高1%,导致其选民投票率增加25%。 A State Bank of India report shows that a 1% rise in female literacy in India leads to a 25% increase in their voter turnout. 在2024年大选中,预计新当选的女性选民为1.8人,而2019年新当选的女性选民为18人,其中45人是因为识字率提高。 For the 2024 general elections, out of the expected 1.8 crore new female voters compared to 2019, 45 lakh are due to improved literacy. 报告还强调,就业、住房所有制和环境卫生是推动女性选民参与的关键因素。 The report also highlights that employment, house ownership, and sanitation are key factors driving female voter participation. 它强调必须注重教育、就业和基本设施,以赋予妇女权力并加强她们在印度民主中的作用。 It underscores the importance of focusing on education, employment, and basic amenities to empower women and enhance their role in India's democracy.