阿塞拜疆和其他六个国家在日内瓦联合国人权理事会上发表了联合声明,敦促联合国就地雷的影响采取行动,并将责任分派给部署地雷的国家。 Azerbaijan and six other countries presented a joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, urging UN action on landmine impacts and assigning responsibility to states deploying them.
阿塞拜疆与阿尔巴尼亚、智利、莫桑比克、巴拿马和克罗地亚一道,在日内瓦的联合国人权理事会提交了一份联合声明,涉及地雷和战争遗留爆炸物对人权的影响。 Azerbaijan, alongside Albania, Chile, Mozambique, Panama, and Croatia, presented a joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, addressing the human rights impacts of landmines and explosive remnants of war. 该声明强调它们对诸如生命、健康、教育和迁徙等权利的影响,并呼吁联合国采取行动。 The statement emphasizes their effects on rights such as life, health, education, and movement, and calls for UN action. 它还在65个国家的支持下,将侵犯权利的责任分派给部署地雷的国家。 Supported by 65 countries, it also assigns responsibility for rights violations to the states that deploy landmines.