英国法官宣布4名绿色和平组织活动分子无罪, 被控在抗议期间破坏Rishi Sunak的房屋。 UK judge acquits 4 Greenpeace activists accused of damaging Rishi Sunak's mansion during a protest.
一名英国法官宣布四名绿色和平运动活动分子Amy Rugg-Eassey、Alexandra Wilson、Mathieu Soete和Michael Grant无罪, A UK judge has acquitted four Greenpeace activists, Amy Rugg-Easey, Alexandra Wilson, Mathieu Soete, and Michael Grant, of charges related to alleged damage to Rishi Sunak's North Yorkshire mansion during a protest last August. Adrian Lower地区法官裁定,证据“薄弱”,不足以定罪。 District Judge Adrian Lower ruled that the evidence was "tenuous" and insufficient for conviction. 检方提出的3 000英镑损害赔偿要求受到质疑,暴露了与抗议无关的原有屋顶问题。 The prosecution's claim of £3,000 in damages was challenged, revealing pre-existing roof issues unrelated to the protest.