四名气候活动家因计划破坏CEO的住宅以抗议化石燃料而被捕。 Four climate activists were arrested for planning to damage a CEO's home to protest fossil fuels.
包括Emil Davey、Jesse Noakes、Matilda Lane-Rose、以及Gerard Mazza等四位来自Disrupt Burrup Hub团体的气候活动家于2023年8月被反恐警察逮捕, Four climate activists from the Disrupt Burrup Hub group, including Emil Davey, Jesse Noakes, Matilda Lane-Rose, and Gerard Mazza, were arrested by counter-terrorism police in August 2023 before they could damage Woodside Energy CEO Meg O'Neill's home. 他们计划扔油漆,把自己锁在地上,抗议伍兹德的化石燃料项目。 They planned to throw paint and chain themselves to the property to protest against Woodside's fossil fuel project. 活动家对企图非法破坏和侵入表示服罪,但仍不道歉,认为出于气候变化考虑,他们的行动是正当的。 The activists pleaded guilty to attempted unlawful damage and trespass but remain unapologetic, arguing their actions were justified due to climate change concerns. 他们将在珀斯地方法院被判刑。 They are set to be sentenced in Perth Magistrates Court.