英国撤销对34名抗议Unilever使用塑料的绿色和平运动活动人士的指控。 UK drops charges against 34 Greenpeace activists who protested Unilever's plastic use.
皇家检察官已经撤销对34名绿色和平组织活动家的指控, The Crown Prosecution Service has dropped charges against 34 Greenpeace activists who protested Unilever's plastic pollution policies outside its London headquarters last September. 这些活动人士面临的指控包括严重侵入和新的“锁定”罪名,但 CPS 引用的证据不足来定罪。 The activists had faced charges including aggravated trespass and the new offense of "locking on," but the CPS cited insufficient evidence for a conviction. 英国绿色和平运动共同执行董事赞扬这项决定, 但批评“封锁”法律是扼杀异见者。 Greenpeace UK's co-executive director praised the decision but criticized the "locking on" law as stifling dissent.