一名男子在加利福尼亚州Aguanga被捕,涉嫌在一辆房车度假村起火,导致一人死亡。 A man was arrested in Aguanga, California, suspected of starting fires at an RV resort that led to one death.
一名48岁的男子在加利福尼亚州Aguanga被捕,涉嫌在Jojoba Hills RV度假村起火,导致死亡。 A 48-year-old man was arrested in Aguanga, California, on suspicion of starting fires at the Jojoba Hills RV Resort that resulted in a fatality. 星期一报道的火灾吞没了一辆旅行拖车和储藏场。 The fires, reported on Monday, engulfed a travel trailer and storage yard. 凶杀案调查员正在调查此案,嫌犯因杀人和纵火罪被保释100万美元。 Homicide investigators are working the case, and the suspect is held on $1 million bail for homicide and arson charges. 当局没有在寻找其他嫌疑人,并鼓励任何有情报的人提出来。 Authorities are not seeking other suspects and are encouraging anyone with information to come forward.