乌克兰的艾滋病毒战役在战争中加剧,200多个保健设施被毁,保健资源有限。 Ukraine's HIV battle intensifies amid war, with 200+ health facilities destroyed and limited resources for care.
在与俄罗斯的持续战争中,乌克兰为防治艾滋病毒而斗争,在欧洲发病率居第二位。 Amid the ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine struggles to combat HIV, holding the second highest incidence in Europe. 自2022年2月入侵开始以来,保健状况恶化,200多个医疗设施被毁,数百万人流离失所。 Since the invasion began in February 2022, health care has deteriorated, with over 200 medical facilities destroyed and millions displaced. 尽管资源有限,但公共卫生联盟等组织正在实施创新解决方案,包括医疗任务和新的预防性药物,以支持弱势群体,特别是在高风险地区。 Despite limited resources, organizations like the Alliance for Public Health are implementing innovative solutions, including medical missions and new preventative medications, to support vulnerable populations, particularly in high-risk areas.