乌克兰的1 940次保健攻击,这是世界卫生组织在人道主义紧急情况中记录的最高比率。 1,940 healthcare attacks in Ukraine, WHO's highest recorded rate in a humanitarian emergency.
自2022年2月与俄罗斯的战争开始以来,世界卫生组织(卫生组织)证实乌克兰境内发生了1 940起对医疗保健的攻击事件,使乌克兰成为该组织所记录的任何人道主义紧急情况中袭击次数最多的一次。 1,940 attacks on healthcare in Ukraine have been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) since the war with Russia began in February 2022, making it the highest number of attacks in any humanitarian emergency the organization has ever recorded. 大多数袭击针对的是往往携带重型武器的保健设施,仅今年一年就造成34名保健工作者和病人死亡,229人受伤。 The majority of these attacks targeted healthcare facilities, often with heavy weapons, causing 34 healthcare worker and patient deaths and injuring 229 people this year alone. 这是世卫组织在全球任何人道主义紧急情况中记录的最高袭击保健设施的比率。 This is the highest rate of attacks on healthcare facilities WHO has ever recorded in any humanitarian emergency globally.