欧盟要求苹果公司允许竞争对手技术进入iOS系统, 这是新的数字规则的一部分。 EU requires Apple to grant rival tech access to iOS, part of new digital regulations.
欧洲联盟将要求苹果公司允许竞争技术进入其iPhone和iPad操作系统。 The European Union is set to require Apple to allow rival technologies access to its iPhone and iPad operating systems. 这一举措是欧盟旨在促进竞争和遏制垄断做法的新的数字规章的一部分。 This initiative is part of the EU's new digital regulations aimed at fostering competition and curbing monopolistic practices. 由于欧盟强调技术部门互操作性的重要性,不遵守规定可能导致对苹果的严厉处罚。 Failure to comply could result in substantial penalties for Apple as the EU underscores the importance of interoperability in the tech sector.