苹果计划在欧洲对侧载应用程序实行收费和限制,以遵守一项允许第三方在应用程序商店之外下载的新法律。 Apple plans to introduce fees and restrictions for sideloaded apps in Europe to comply with a new law allowing third-party downloads outside the App Store.
据《华尔街日报》报道,苹果计划增加新的费用和限制,以遵守一项新的欧洲法律,允许在其 App Store 之外下载第三方软件。 Apple is planning to add new fees and restrictions as it moves to comply with a new European law allowing third-party software downloads outside its App Store, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. 新政策仅适用于欧洲,并允许消费者在不首次使用 App Store 的情况下将软件下载到 iPhone 上。 The new policy would only apply in Europe and would allow consumers to download software onto iPhones without using the App Store for the first time. 为了响应新法律,苹果还计划对侧载应用程序收取费用并实施审核流程,以保持对该地区应用程序市场的控制。 In response to the new law, Apple also plans to collect fees and implement review processes for sideloaded apps, maintaining its control over the app market in the region.