欧盟指责苹果限制应用程序开发者的行为,违反了《数字市场法》。 EU accuses Apple of breaching Digital Markets Act with restricted app developer practices.
欧盟指责苹果限制应用程序开发商引导用户使用其应用商店之外的更便宜的服务,违反了竞争规则。 EU accuses Apple of breaching competition rules by restricting app developers from directing users to cheaper services outside its App Store. 这是该委员会首次指控一家公司违反《数字市场法案》(DMA),该法案旨在遏制大型科技公司的权力并鼓励竞争。 This marks the first time the Commission has accused a company of breaching its Digital Markets Act (DMA), which aims to curb the power of Big Tech and encourage competition. 如果苹果不遵守规定,可能面临高达其全球收入 10% 的罚款。 Apple faces a potential fine of up to 10% of its global revenue if it fails to comply with the rules.