Apple 在欧盟实施了新的 iOS、Safari 和 App Store 变更,以实现 DMA 合规性,允许外部软件下载、替代支付系统和更多浏览器选择。 Apple implements new iOS, Safari, and App Store changes in the EU for DMA compliance, allowing outside software downloads, alternative payment systems, and more browser choice.
苹果将对其在欧盟的 iOS、Safari 和 App Store 产品进行重大调整,以遵守欧盟新的数字市场法案 (DMA) 并安抚即将实施严格的新反垄断规则的监管机构。 Apple is set to make major changes to its iOS, Safari, and App Store offerings in the European Union to comply with the EU's new Digital Markets Act (DMA) and placate regulators, who are set to impose tough new antitrust rules. 这些更改将允许用户首次从 App Store 之外下载软件、使用替代支付系统,并更轻松地选择新的默认网络浏览器。 These changes will allow users to download software from outside the App Store for the first time, use alternative payment systems, and more easily choose a new default web browser. 这些彻底的变化将作为 Apple iOS 17.4 操作系统的一部分引入,并且是对欧盟 DMA 的直接回应。 The sweeping changes will be introduced as part of Apple's iOS 17.4 operating system and are a direct response to the EU's DMA.