日本9月的经济报告显示,尽管台风干扰和出口增长停滞,但复苏温和,公司利润和工资都有增长。 Japan's September economic report reveals moderate recovery, with corporate profits and wage growth, despite typhoon disruptions and stagnant export growth.
日本9月份的经济报告指出,复苏温和,4月至6月公司利润和工资增长强劲。 Japan's September economic report indicates a moderate recovery, with strong corporate profits and wage growth noted from April to June. 私人消费有所增加,尽管旅游部门受到台风干扰的影响。 Private consumption has risen, though the travel sector suffered from typhoon disruptions. 虽然公司商品价格指数显示总体增长放缓,但政府预期将继续增长,尽管对全球经济风险和出口增长停滞不前持谨慎态度。 While the corporate goods price index shows a slowing increase, overall, the government expects continued growth despite cautiousness regarding global economic risks and stagnant export growth. 货币政策正常化可能标志着即将到来的利率上升。 Monetary policy normalization may signal upcoming rate hikes.