联邦法官拒绝将亚利桑那州假选举人案的 Meadows审判 从州法院转到联邦法院 Federal judge denies transfer of Meadows' trial in Arizona's fake elector case from state to federal court.
联邦法官拒绝了Mark Meadows的请求 将亚利桑那州假选举人案的审理 从州法院转到联邦法院 A federal judge has denied Mark Meadows' request to transfer his trial in Arizona's fake elector case from state to federal court. Meadows, Donald Trump的前总参谋长,面临与推翻2020年选举结果有关的指控。 Meadows, former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, faces charges related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. 法官裁定,Meadows没有证明他的行为属于其公务范围,并错过了移交请求的最后期限。 The judge ruled that Meadows did not prove his actions were within his official duties and missed the deadline for the transfer request. Meadows和其他人对指控表示不认罪。 Meadows and others have pleaded not guilty to the charges.