亚利桑那州法官以缺乏地位为由, 考虑驳回GOP对选民名册清理的诉讼。 Judge in Arizona considers dismissing GOP lawsuit over voter roll cleanup, citing lack of standing.
亚利桑那州一名联邦法官正在考虑驳回亚利桑那共和党及盟友提出的诉讼, 他们指控民主国务大臣阿德里安·丰特斯(Adrian Fontes)未能清理选民登记名册, A federal judge in Arizona is considering dismissing a lawsuit filed by the Arizona Republican Party and allies, who accused the Democratic Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, of failing to clean up voter registration rolls, potentially leaving over 500,000 ineligible voters registered. Dominic Lanza法官说原告没有起诉资格,以投机为由驳回其索赔要求,指出没有对他们造成直接损害。 Judge Dominic Lanza stated the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue and dismissed their claims as speculative, noting no direct harm to them. 法庭将在下个月听取口头辩论。 The court will hear oral arguments next month.