最高法院驳回了Mark Meadows提出的将他的选举干预案件移交联邦法院的请求。 Supreme Court rejects Mark Meadows' bid to move his election interference case to federal court.
美国最高法院拒绝了Mark Meadows提出的将他的选举干预案件从格鲁吉亚州法院转到联邦法院的请求。 The U.S. Supreme Court has denied Mark Meadows' request to move his election interference case from Georgia state court to federal court. Meadows, Donald Trump的前白宫参谋长,是格鲁吉亚被控参与推翻2020年选举结果的计划的19名个人之一。 Meadows, former White House Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, is one of 19 individuals charged in Georgia for alleged involvement in a scheme to overturn the 2020 election results. Meadows在联邦法院主张豁免,但最高法院的裁决将案件保留在州法院,他和其他人均表示不认罪。 Meadows argued for immunity in federal court, but the Supreme Court's decision keeps the case in state court, where he and others have pleaded not guilty.