MK-LUTRA精神病试验受害者家属向加拿大政府和麦吉尔大学寻求赔偿。 Family members of MK-ULTRA psychiatric experiment victims seek compensation from Canadian government and McGill University.
据称1940年代至1960年代在蒙特利尔Allan纪念研究所接受MK-LUTRA精神病实验的病人的家属担心赔偿问题,因为加拿大政府和麦吉尔大学试图驳回他们的诉讼。 Family members of patients allegedly subjected to MK-ULTRA psychiatric experiments at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute from the 1940s to 1960s are worried about compensation as the Canadian government and McGill University seek to dismiss their lawsuit. 诉讼主张的受害者面临包括药物和休克疗法在内的有害治疗,造成严重心理损害。 The lawsuit claims victims faced harmful treatments, including drugs and shock therapy, resulting in severe psychological damage. 原告以“完全司法不公”为由, 要求每户近100万美元。 The plaintiffs seek nearly $1 million per family, citing a "total miscarriage of justice."