在霍姆斯堡监狱医疗检测方案实施50年后,幸存者和后代就1951-1974年的不道德待遇寻求赔偿。 50 years after the Holmesburg Prison medical testing program, survivors and descendants seek reparations for the unethical treatment from 1951-1974.
在费城福尔摩斯堡监狱结束一项有争议的医学测试方案50年后,幸存者及其后代正在寻求赔偿。 Fifty years after ending a controversial medical testing program at Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, survivors and their descendants are pursuing reparations. 从1951年到1974年,数千人,主要是黑人,经受了痛苦的测试和有害治疗,以换取最低程度的赔偿。 From 1951 to 1974, thousands, primarily Black, endured painful tests and harmful treatments in exchange for minimal compensation. 这项研究由皮肤科专家Albert M. Kligman牵头,为Retin-A等产品做出了贡献。 Led by dermatologist Albert M. Kligman, the research contributed to products like Retin-A. 尽管城市和大学表示歉意,但赔偿的法律努力基本上失败了。 Despite apologies from the city and university, legal efforts for reparations have largely failed.