巴西亚马逊和其他地区的激烈野火造成烟雾影响主要城市,并蔓延到阿根廷和乌拉圭,主要原因是与农业和历史性干旱有关的人类活动。 Intense wildfires in Brazil's Amazon and other regions cause smoke affecting major cities and spreading to Argentina and Uruguay, primarily due to human activities linked to agriculture and historic drought.
巴西亚马逊和其他地区的激烈野火已造成烟雾影响圣保罗和里约热内卢等主要城市, Intense wildfires in Brazil's Amazon and other regions have produced smoke affecting major cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, with 60% of the country impacted. 烟雾也扩散到阿根廷和乌拉圭。 The smoke has also spread to Argentina and Uruguay. 卫星数据表明,烟雾覆盖约1,000万平方公里。 Satellite data indicates the smoke covers around 10 million square kilometers. 当局将火灾主要归因于与农业有关的人类活动,而气候变化造成的历史性干旱又加剧了这种活动。 Authorities attribute the fires primarily to human activities linked to agriculture, exacerbated by a historic drought caused by climate change. 10月或11月之前,条件不大可能改善。 Conditions are unlikely to improve until October or November.