洗钱问题金融行动特别工作组称赞阿曼在中东和北非地区遵守反洗钱标准的程度最高。 Oman praised by FATF for top compliance in anti-money laundering standards in MENA region.
金融行动特别工作组(金融行动工作组)赞扬阿曼高度遵守国际反洗钱和反恐筹资标准,在中东和北非名列前茅。 The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has commended Oman for its high compliance with international anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing standards, ranking it among the top in the Middle East and North Africa. 2024年的报告赞扬阿曼的法律和监督改革,指出阿曼为调查金融犯罪建立了健全的制度和装备齐全的当局。 The 2024 report praises Oman's legal and supervisory reforms, noting its robust systems and well-equipped authorities for investigating financial crimes. 预计这一成就将提高阿曼的经济地位并吸引更多投资。 This achievement is expected to enhance Oman's economic standing and attract more investment.