Capitec银行因南非的反洗钱规则失效而被罚款5 625万兰特。 Capitec Bank fined R56.25 million for failing anti-money laundering rules in South Africa.
南非的Capitec银行因未遵守反洗钱规则而被罚款5 625万兰特。 Capitec Bank in South Africa has been fined R56.25 million for failing to follow anti-money laundering rules. 由于Capitec的客户尽职调查和报告程序不足,南非储备银行施加了处罚。 The South African Reserve Bank imposed the penalty due to Capitec's inadequate customer due diligence and reporting procedures. 如果Capitec符合今后的条例,部分罚款1,050万兰特将暂停36个月。 Part of the fine, R10.5 million, is suspended for 36 months if Capitec complies with future regulations. 银行已采取步骤解决遵守问题。 The bank has taken steps to address the compliance issues.