澳大利亚Ballarat为居民引入废物管理应用程序,以减少废物并适应新的收集系统。 Ballarat, Australia introduces waste management app for residents to reduce waste and adapt to new collection system.
澳大利亚巴拉拉特市推出了25 000美元的废物管理应用软件,以帮助居民减少废物和适应新的收集系统。 The City of Ballarat, Australia, has introduced a $25,000 waste management app to aid residents in reducing waste and adapting to a new collection system. 这一应用程序取代了成本昂贵的印刷日历,这是对废物管理的1 000万美元更广泛投资的一部分。 This app replaces costly printed calendars, part of a broader $10 million investment in waste management. 重大的变化包括将一般废物收集从每周改为每两周一次,以及开展社区参与运动。 Significant changes include shifting general waste collection from weekly to fortnightly and implementing a community engagement campaign. 由于理事会旨在尽量减少填埋地的使用,家庭对塑料废物的关切持续存在。 Concerns about plastic waste persist among families as the council aims to minimize landfill use.