哈里·巴雷特敦促梅奥县议会审查有机废物收集服务的章程。 Harry Barrett urges Mayo County Council to review bylaws for an organic waste collection service.
中部海岸地区正在准备每年一次的大件垃圾收集,而独立候选人哈里·巴雷特则敦促梅奥县议会审查其章程,以解决贝尔卡拉缺乏有机垃圾棕色垃圾箱服务的问题。 The MidCoast region is preparing for its annual bulky waste collection, while independent candidate Harry Barrett is urging the Mayo County Council to review its bylaws to address the lack of a brown bin service for organic waste in Belcarra. 斯托克波特议会正在考虑改为每两周收集一次绿色垃圾箱以节省资金,刘易斯区议会正在向居民发送日历,详细说明新的回收、食物垃圾和一般家庭垃圾收集日期。 Stockport council is considering switching to fortnightly green bin collections to save money, and Lewes District Council is sending calendars to residents detailing new recycling, food waste, and general household refuse collection dates. 兰贝斯市议会正在为 Tulse Hill 和 West Dulwich 的 2,350 个家庭每两周收集一次不可回收垃圾,而巴西尔登市议会正在讨论从每周一次黑色垃圾桶收集改为每两周一次的黑色垃圾箱收集的影响,此前一份要求恢复这一变化的请愿书获得了 2,600 个签名。 Lambeth Council is introducing fortnightly non-recyclable waste collections for 2,350 households in Tulse Hill and West Dulwich, while Basildon Council is discussing the impact of switching from weekly to fortnightly black bin collections after a petition to revert the change garnered 2,600 signatures.