Mark Wahlberg认为5天内体重损失10磅 与骨头汤和蒸蒸蔬菜饮食有关 Mark Wahlberg attributes 10-pound weight loss in 5 days to bone broth and steamed vegetable diet.
马克·沃尔伯格 (Mark Wahlberg) 将他在 5 天内快速减重 10 磅归功于低热量的骨汤饮食。 Mark Wahlberg credits his rapid weight loss of 10 pounds in five days to a low-calorie bone broth diet. 这种方法首先涉及食用骨头汤和蒸菜,然后是夜间用少量蛋白质。 This approach involved consuming bone broth and steamed vegetables initially, followed by a small protein serving at night. Bone Broth富含营养,可能有助于消化、肌肉成长和体重管理。 Bone broth is nutrient-rich and may aid in digestion, muscle growth, and weight management. 然而,在开始任何新的饮食之前咨询保健专业人员对评估风险和适宜性至关重要。 However, consulting a healthcare professional before starting any new diet is essential to assess risks and suitability.