一名男子在宾夕法尼亚州北凡尔赛尔死于一辆车在林肯高速公路上与一辆货箱卡车相撞. A man died in North Versailles, Pennsylvania after a sedan collided with a box truck on Lincoln Highway.
周三晚上,一名男子在宾夕法尼亚州北凡尔赛市的一场车祸中丧生,当时他的轿车越过林肯高速公路的中心线并与一辆厢式卡车相撞。 A man died in a crash in North Versailles, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday evening when his sedan crossed the center line on Lincoln Highway and collided with a box truck. 下午5时30分左右应急服务处作出了反应,但轿车司机在现场被宣布死亡。 Emergency services responded around 5:30 p.m., but the sedan driver was pronounced dead at the scene. 卡车司机留在调查中. The box truck driver remained for the investigation. 当局正在寻求信息,并敦促证人与县警察举报热线联系。 Authorities are seeking information and have urged witnesses to contact the county police tip line.