除夕夜早上,Iron Works Pike 迎头相撞,造成一人死亡,卡车司机受伤。 Head-on crash on Iron Works Pike kills one, injures truck driver on New Year's Eve morning.
12月31日凌晨6点40分左右, 一辆汽车与一辆箱装卡车在列克星顿铁工派克上正面碰撞, 造成一人死亡, A head-on collision between a car and a box truck on Iron Works Pike in Lexington killed one person and injured another on December 31st at around 6:40 AM. 死者的身份不明,而箱装卡车司机住院时受伤无生命危险。 The deceased's identity is unknown, while the box truck driver was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 据Fayette县验尸官称,坠毁事件暂时关闭了道路,原因是浮油状况和车辆可能过重校正。 The crash temporarily closed the road due to slick conditions and possible vehicle overcorrection, according to the Fayette County Coroner. 当局仍在调查该事件。 Authorities are still investigating the incident.