一名81岁的男子在Kemptville的多车撞车事故中死亡,当时一辆向东行驶的汽车越过中线。 An 81-year-old man died in a multi-vehicle crash in Kemptville when an eastbound car crossed the center line.
一名来自Kemptville的81岁老人星期五下午在Van Buren街附近的43号县道多车辆坠毁中死亡。 An 81-year-old man from Kemptville died Friday afternoon in a multi-vehicle crash on County Road 43 near Van Buren Street. 车祸发生时,一辆东向车辆越过中线,击中两辆西向车辆。 The crash happened when an eastbound vehicle crossed the center line, hitting two westbound vehicles. 其他两名司机住院治疗,伤势不致命。 The other two drivers were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 道路被关闭数小时以进行调查,事故原因仍不得而知。 The road was closed for several hours for investigation, and the cause of the accident is still unknown.