89岁的男子在舍伍德公园高速公路发生单车撞车事故后死亡;没有速度因素。 89-year-old man died after single-vehicle crash on Sherwood Park Freeway; no speed factor.
周六上午8时50分左右, 一名89岁男子在50街附近的Sherwood公园高速公路发生一次单车撞车事故后死亡。 An 89-year-old man died following a single-vehicle crash on Sherwood Park Freeway near 50 Street on Saturday morning around 8:50 a.m. 司机在靠近路中叉路口时撞中了中间屏障。 The driver struck the center barrier while approaching a fork in the road. 急诊部门将他送往医院,后来因伤死亡。 Emergency services transported him to the hospital, where he later died from his injuries. 重大碰撞调查部门正在审查这起事件,警方不认为速度是导致车祸的原因。 The major collision investigation section is reviewing the incident, and police do not believe speed contributed to the crash.