7月,安德森郡治安官办公室为威廉姆斯顿一家清算公司追回了305 000美元,该公司成为电子邮件骗局的受害者。 In July, Anderson County Sheriff's Office recovered $305,000 for a Williamston liquidation company victimized by an email scam.
7月,安德森郡郡警长办公室为南卡罗来纳州威廉斯顿的一家清算公司追回了305,000美元,该公司成为电子邮件骗局的受害者。 In July, the Anderson County Sheriff's Office recovered over $305,000 for a liquidation company in Williamston, South Carolina, that fell victim to an email scam. 在一名黑客冒充一个债权人并更改了银行细节后,该公司错误地将527 000美元电汇到一个欺诈账户。 The company mistakenly wired $527,000 to a fraudulent account after a hacker impersonated a creditor and altered banking details. 侦探通过四次电汇追踪资金,防止可能的业务关闭。 Detectives traced the funds through four wire transfers, preventing potential business closure. 当局建议直接与公司核查银行信息的任何变化。 Authorities advise verifying any changes in banking information directly with companies.