在科罗拉多州的基斯通,银行员工阻止了一名妇女因虚假的陪审团义务骗局提取 8,000 美元。 In Keystone, Colorado, bank employees prevented a woman from withdrawing $8,000 for a fake jury duty scam.
在科罗拉多州基斯通,银行雇员阻止一名妇女因骗局而跌倒,当时她试图在接到一名冒充警长的欺诈者打来的电话后撤回8 000美元。 In Keystone, Colorado, bank employees stopped a woman from falling for a scam when she attempted to withdraw $8,000 after receiving a call from a fraudster posing as a sheriff's sergeant. 打电话者错误地声称她欠了钱 以弥补陪审团失职 The caller falsely claimed she owed money for missing jury duty. 银行工作人员认识到骗局,提醒执法部门注意防止交易。 Recognizing the scam, bank staff alerted law enforcement, preventing the transaction. 当局强调,他们不发出这种威胁性电话,建议核查可疑的通信。 Authorities stress they do not make such threatening calls and advise verifying suspicious communications.