在新加坡警察部队,东帝汶当局和国际刑警组织领导的全球行动中逮捕了7人,追回了$ 53M +,涉及最大的商业电子邮件泄露骗局。 7 arrests, $53M+ recovery in global operation led by Singapore Police Force, Timor-Leste authorities, and Interpol, involving the largest business email compromise scam.
在新加坡警察部队、东帝汶当局和国际刑警组织牵头的全球努力中,在最大的商业电子邮件折中骗局中,7人被捕,53M+被追回。 7 individuals arrested, $53M+ recovered in global effort led by Singapore Police Force, Timor-Leste authorities, and Interpol in largest case of business email compromise scam. 这一行动是在一家设在新加坡的商品公司的一名雇员在收到操纵电子邮件后错误地将42.3M美元转入东帝汶的一个欺诈性银行账户之后开始的。 The operation began after an employee of a Singapore-based commodity firm mistakenly transferred $42.3M to a fraudulent bank account in Timor-Leste after receiving a manipulated email. 7月24日,反诈骗中心接到警报,东帝汶银行账户中的3900万美元被冻结。 The Anti-Scam Centre was alerted on July 24, and $39M was frozen in a Timor-Leste bank account. 7名嫌疑人在东帝汶被捕,追回了200多万美元。 Seven suspects were arrested in Timor-Leste, and more than $2M recovered. 被盗资金预计将归还新加坡的受害者。 The stolen funds are expected to be returned to the victim in Singapore.