缅因南部小企业主面临银行冒名顶替诈骗案激增,导致资金被盗。 Small business owners in Southern Maine face a surge in bank impersonation scams leading to theft of funds.
缅因南部的小企业主正面临欺诈者冒充银行代表的骗局激增。 Small business owners in Southern Maine are facing a surge in scams where fraudsters impersonate bank representatives. 受害者像Amy Kelly一样,被骗在可疑账户活动的幌子下分享计算机屏幕,导致资金被盗。 Victims, like Amy Kelly, are tricked into sharing their computer screens under the pretense of suspicious account activity, leading to theft of funds. 联邦贸易委员会记录了2023年缅因州1 000多起此类事件。 The Federal Trade Commission recorded over 1,000 such incidents in Maine in 2023. FDIC提供保护提示,帮助企业防范这些骗局。 The FDIC offers protective tips to help businesses safeguard against these scams.