38岁的男子在莱利县的骗局中损失了4000美元, 假冒者假装是警察中尉. 38-year-old man loses $4,000 in Riley County scam, impersonator poses as police lieutenant.
Riley县当局正在调查一个骗局,一名38岁的男子在被假扮警察中尉的假冒者欺骗后损失了4 000美元。 Riley County authorities are investigating a scam where a 38-year-old man lost $4,000 after being deceived by an impersonator posing as a police lieutenant. 受害人从银行取回钱款,然后将其存入CoinStar机器,以虚假指示为依据。 The victim withdrew money from his bank and deposited it into a CoinStar machine based on false instructions. 执法部门向公众寻求信息,敦促任何有详细信息的人在785-539-7777时与犯罪制止者联系,匿名提供线索,以获取可能的奖励。 Law enforcement seeks information from the public, urging anyone with details to contact Crime Stoppers at 785-539-7777, where tips can be submitted anonymously for potential rewards.