30岁,在马耳他被捕,罪名是用大麻和信件威胁欧盟达利专员。 30-year-old arrested in Malta for threatening EU Commissioner Dalli with cannabis and letter.
一名30岁的男子据称于7月31日向欧洲专员Helena Dalli的家寄了一封威胁信和一罐大麻,因此在马耳他被捕。 A 30-year-old man was arrested in Malta for allegedly sending a threatening letter and a jar of cannabis to European Commissioner Helena Dalli's home on July 31. 这张纸条上有一条关于她孩子的恐吓信息。 The note contained a menacing message about her children. Dalli报告了这一事件,并向警察提供了嫌疑人的安全录像。 Dalli reported the incident and provided police with security footage of the suspect. 调查正在进行之中,尚不清楚是否涉及其他人。 The investigation is ongoing, and it is unclear if others are involved. Dalli的家人对威胁背后的政治动机表示关切。 Dalli's family has expressed concerns about political motivations behind the threat.