爱尔兰司法部长Helen McEntee在家中面临第二起炸弹威胁,与Mountjoy监狱有关。 Ireland's Justice Minister Helen McEntee faces a second bomb threat at her home, linked to Mountjoy jail.
爱尔兰司法部长海伦·麦肯蒂 (Helen McEntee) 在家中面临另一次炸弹威胁,该威胁是由一名自称是芒特乔伊监狱囚犯的来电者通过撒玛利亚人求助热线发出的。 Ireland's Justice Minister Helen McEntee faces another bomb threat at her home, made by a caller claiming to be a prisoner from Mountjoy jail via the Samaritans helpline. 这标志着继被定罪的强奸犯Michael Murray先前的骗局之后对她第二次威胁,后者又被判处两年监禁。 This marks the second threat against her, following a previous hoax by convicted rapist Michael Murray, who received an additional two-year sentence. 警方正在积极调查这一事件,引起McEntee及其家人的安全问题。 Gardaí are actively investigating the incident, raising safety concerns for McEntee and her family.