马耳他男子Harold Mamo因提供假租约帮助非欧盟国民获得居住权而被捕。 Maltese man Harold Mamo arrested for providing fake rental contracts to help non-EU nationals gain residency.
Harold Mamo, 56岁马耳他男子,据称因向非欧盟国民提供假租约帮助他们在马耳他居住而被逮捕。 Harold Mamo, a 56-year-old Maltese man, has been arrested for allegedly providing fake rental contracts to non-EU nationals to help them get residency in Malta. 警察在一次突袭中发现9 000欧元现金和1 500份假租赁协议。 Police found €9,000 in cash and 1,500 fake lease agreements during a raid. 调查是在一名物业业主发现一个与居留申请有关的假邮箱之后开始的。 The investigation started after a property owner discovered a fake mailbox linked to residency applications. Mamo因为担心篡改证据而被拒绝保释。 Mamo was denied bail due to concerns over evidence tampering. 前MP Jason Azzopardi在社交媒体发布文章后发现了这起案件。 The case was uncovered following social media posts by ex-MP Jason Azzopardi.