马耳他反对党批评政府在一具尸体被肢解的情况下如何处理贩毒问题。 Maltese opposition party criticizes government's handling of drug trafficking amid a dismembered body case.
马耳他国民党(PN)对马耳他日益严重的毒品问题表示关切,并援引最近一例案例,即发现一个带有疑似药物胶囊的肢解尸体,据信与贩毒团伙有关联。 The Maltese Nationalist Party (PN) has raised concerns over the rising drug problem in Malta, citing a recent case where a dismembered body with suspected drug capsules was found, believed to be linked to a drug trafficking ring. PN批评政府未能有效打击贩毒和有组织犯罪,呼吁加强执法和安全措施。 The PN criticizes the government for not effectively combating drug trafficking and organized crime, and calls for stronger law enforcement and security measures. 他们辩称,政府必须立即采取行动解决这些问题,因为这些问题正在对马耳他社会产生不利影响。 They argue that the government must take immediate action to address these issues, which are negatively impacting Maltese society.