9月10日,伦敦里士满两所正在翻新的房屋倒塌;没有受伤、应急服务反应、调查潜在的气体泄漏。 10 Sept, two houses under renovation in Richmond, London, collapsed; no injuries, emergency services responded, potential gas leak investigated.
9月10日, 伦敦里士满的下摩特拉克路两座房屋在大约下午三点倒塌, On September 10, two houses under renovation collapsed on Lower Mortlake Road in Richmond, London, around 3 PM. 包括伦敦消防队在内的应急服务迅速作出反应,但没有人员受伤的报告。 Emergency services, including the London Fire Brigade, quickly responded, but no injuries were reported. 目前正在进行调查,以确定原因,并考虑潜在的气体泄漏。 Investigations are underway to determine the cause, with a potential gas leak being considered. 这些财产正在转换为共同生活单位,以前曾遇到规划纠纷。 The properties were undergoing conversion into co-living units and had previously faced planning disputes.