富尔顿县选举委员会成员针对佐治亚州官员关于选举结果认证的诉讼因技术问题而被驳回。 Fulton County election board member's lawsuit against Georgia officials over election result certification dismissed due to technicality.
富尔顿县选举委员会成员朱莉·亚当斯 (Julie Adams) 提起的诉讼声称佐治亚州官员可以拒绝认证选举结果,该诉讼因技术问题而被驳回。 A lawsuit by Fulton County election board member Julie Adams, claiming that Georgia officials can refuse to certify election results, has been dismissed due to a technicality. 高等法院法官Robert McBurney裁定Adams没有将正确的当事方称为被告。 Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney ruled Adams did not name the correct party as a defendant. 他表示,她可以正确地重新提出诉讼,因为格鲁吉亚法律规定,在确保结果准确无误后,必须核证结果。 He indicated that she could refile the lawsuit correctly, as Georgia law mandates certification of results after ensuring their accuracy. 案件可以继续提出同样的论据。 The case may continue with the same arguments.