法官统治亚利桑那州国务卿超越了选举规则,支持县控制。 Judge rules Arizona Secretary of State overstepped on election rules, supporting county control.
一名马里科帕县法官裁定亚利桑那州国务秘书阿德里安·方特斯在州选举手册中增加条款,超出了他的权限。 A Maricopa County judge has ruled that Arizona's Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, exceeded his authority by adding provisions to the state's elections manual. 法官宣布要求核证全州选举结果的规则无效,即使一些县没有提交选票。 The judge invalidated rules that required the certification of statewide election results even if some counties had not submitted their vote tallies. 如亚利桑那州共和党声称的那样,这项决定支持县督导员有权质疑和可能拖延认证,如果他们有顾虑的话,这标志着选举廉正的胜利。 This decision supports county supervisors' authority to question and potentially delay certification if they have concerns, marking a victory for election integrity, as claimed by Arizona Republicans.