密歇根州法官以缺乏证据为由,以所谓双重投票为由撤销对选举工人的指控。 Michigan judge dismisses charges against election workers over alleged double voting, citing lack of evidence.
密歇根州法官以审判证据不足为由,驳回了对两名选举工人的指控,他们被控在夏季初选期间允许四人两次投票。 A Michigan judge dismissed charges against two election workers accused of enabling four individuals to vote twice in a summer primary election, citing insufficient evidence for a trial. 工人面临包括伪造记录在内的指控,但Joseph Oster法官发现缺乏证据。 The workers faced charges including falsifying records, but Judge Joseph Oster found the evidence lacking. 总检察长办公室可以对该决定提出上诉,同时继续起诉这四名双重投票人。 The attorney general's office may appeal the decision, while prosecutions against the four double voters continue.