加拿大暂停向以色列发放30份武器出口许可证,禁止加拿大制造的武器进入加沙地带。 Canada suspends 30 arms export permits to Israel, prohibiting Canadian-made weapons from reaching the Gaza Strip.
加拿大已暂停向以色列出口30份武器许可证,并禁止加拿大制造的武器进入加沙地带,正如梅兰妮·乔利外长宣布的那样。 Canada has suspended 30 arms export permits to Israel and prohibited Canadian-made weapons from reaching the Gaza Strip, as announced by Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly. 在此之前,1月在持续的人道主义关切下禁止发放新武器许可证。 This follows a January ban on new arms permits amid ongoing humanitarian concerns. 美国计划向以色列发送魁北克制造的弹药,促使以色列采取更严格的立场。 The U.S.'s plans to send Quebec-made ammunition to Israel prompted this stricter stance. 民间社会团体主张全面禁止因可能违反国际人道主义法而向以色列出口军事物资。 Civil-society groups are advocating for a total ban on military exports to Israel due to potential violations of international humanitarian law.