NASA & Blue 起源号将ESAADE火星飞行任务推迟至2025年;Blue起源号侧重于Nov New Glenn火箭发射。 NASA & Blue Origin postponed the ESCAPADE Mars mission to 2025; Blue Origin to focus on Nov New Glenn rocket launch.
美国宇航局和蓝色起源推迟了ESCAPADE火星任务的发射, 至少到2025年春天, 原定于10月. NASA and Blue Origin have postponed the ESCAPADE Mars mission launch to at least spring 2025, originally set for October. 这一延迟是由于对与航天器燃料化有关的费用和技术问题的关切。 This delay is due to concerns over costs and technical issues related to fueling the spacecraft. 相反, " 蓝源 " 将侧重于11月发射其新格伦火箭,携带其 " 蓝环 " 技术原型,作为其首个国家安全空间发射认证飞行的一部分。 Instead, Blue Origin will focus on launching its New Glenn rocket in November, carrying a prototype for its Blue Ring technology as part of its first National Security Space Launch certification flight.