SpaceX计划在两年内向火星发射未密封的星舰飞行任务进行测试。 SpaceX plans to launch uncrewed Starship missions to Mars within two years for testing.
9月7日,Elon Musk宣布,SpaceX计划在两年内,在地球-火星转移窗口的同时,向火星发射其首次未分离的星舰飞行任务。 Elon Musk announced on September 7th that SpaceX plans to launch its first uncrewed Starship missions to Mars within two years, coinciding with the Earth-Mars transfer window. 这些特派团将测试着陆可靠性,机组人员飞行预计在四年后进行。 These missions will test landing reliability, with crewed flights expected to follow in four years. Musk设想在大约20年内在火星上建立一个可自我维持的城市,目的是让星舰成为月球和火星运输的多用途航天器。 Musk envisions a self-sustaining city on Mars in about 20 years, aiming for Starship to serve as a versatile spacecraft for lunar and Martian transport.