由于波音的星际飞船问题, 美国宇航局将SpaceX的飞行员推迟到9月24日. NASA delays SpaceX crew launch to September 24 due to Boeing's Starliner spacecraft issues.
由于波音公司的星际飞船存在问题, 美国宇航局推迟了SpaceX的下一次载人发射, NASA has postponed the next SpaceX crew launch, initially planned for August, to September 24 at the earliest, due to ongoing issues with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. Starliner于6月将两名美国航天局宇航员运送到国际空间站,在飞行期间其推进系统出现了异常,导致其在国际空间站停靠两个月。 Starliner, which transported two NASA astronauts to the ISS in June, experienced anomalies in its propulsion system during the flight, causing it to remain docked at the ISS for two months. 这一变化将使美国航天局能够将两名受困宇航员和仅两名8号机组成员带回,使波音有更多时间修复其航天器的问题。 This change will allow NASA to bring back the two stranded astronauts and only two Crew-8 members, giving Boeing more time to fix issues with its spacecraft.