阿尔巴尼亚男子因使用伪造的希腊证件而被拘留在都柏林机场;因逃难风险而被拒绝保释。 Albanian man detained at Dublin Airport for using fake Greek documents; denied bail due to flight risk.
一名阿尔巴尼亚男子,Adrini Kuqi,38岁,在都柏林机场被拦截,因为企图用假希腊身份证件登机。 An Albanian man, Adrini Kuqi, 38, was stopped at Dublin Airport for attempting to board a flight with fake Greek identity documents. 他在都柏林地区法院出庭,被控因使用假希腊护照和驾驶执照而犯有移民罪和欺诈。 He appeared in Dublin District Court charged with immigration offenses and fraud for using a fake Greek passport and driving license. David McHugh法官拒绝保释,认为他有潜逃的危险,并下令将他还押候审,直到星期四他下一次出庭。 Judge David McHugh refused bail, deeming him a flight risk, and ordered him to be remanded in custody until his next court appearance on Thursday.