波兰妇女试图用假护照偷运男友进入爱尔兰,因此被判处缓刑。 Polish woman gets suspended sentence for trying to smuggle boyfriend into Ireland with fake passport.
Aleksandra Suchodolksda, 24岁的波兰妇女,居住在英格兰利兹,因试图用假护照将阿尔巴尼亚籍男友偷运到爱尔兰,被判处两个月的缓刑。 Aleksandra Suchodolksda, a 24-year-old Polish woman living in Leeds, England, received a two-month suspended sentence for trying to smuggle her Albanian boyfriend into Ireland with a fake passport. 她在都柏林机场被捕,而她申请庇护的男友仍然在逃。 She was arrested at Dublin Airport, while her boyfriend, who claimed asylum, remains at large. Susodolksda对违反《2021年刑事司法(贩运人口)法》表示认罪。 Suchodolksda pleaded guilty to violating the Criminal Justice (Smuggling of Persons) Act 2021.