南卡罗来纳州死囚选择律师 来决定注射死刑的方法 South Carolina death row inmate chooses lawyer to decide lethal injection method.
南卡罗来纳州死囚选择让律师决定处决方法, A South Carolina death row inmate has opted to let his lawyer decide the method of execution, choosing lethal injection. 这项决定突出了死刑问题的复杂性,特别是死囚所面临的情感和道德困境。 This decision highlights the complexities surrounding capital punishment, particularly the emotional and ethical dilemmas faced by those on death row. 该案提出了囚犯自主选择其死刑方法的问题,以及死刑在该州更广泛的影响。 The case raises questions about the autonomy of inmates in choosing their method of death and the broader implications of the death penalty in the state.